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KATC News Channel 3

Many people have heard about lice, but what about super lice?

Experts say it’s a mutation of the parasite, causing the bugs to become immune to standard treatment.

About eight to ten people are being treated for lice daily in Lafayette. And Lice Clinics of America reported an 80 percent increase in lice activity in southwest Louisiana this past winter compared to 2017.

“With super lice being in effect, which is a real thing, the over-the-counter are not working as they used to in the old days,” says Lice Clinics of America Lafayette owner Shanna Castille. “It’s not effective like it has been, so people treat and they’re not getting rid of all the eggs.”

The solution to this superbug, says Castille, is professional lice treatment.

One common misconception is that only kids get lice. But Castille says that everyone is susceptible.

Head-to-head contact, living in a house with somebody, sitting on the couch are just a few of the ways Castille says that lice can spread. “A bug falls out, it’s looking for its next host,” she says. “Mom sits on the couch and guess who’s the next host?”

Another easy way to contract lice is a trend made popular by smartphones.

“Selfies are a huge part of spreading lice,” says Castille. “Especially with junior high and high school kids.”

Some things you can do to prevent getting lice is to wear your hair up, use hairspray, and check your hair regularly.

Another suggestion that Castille says is a must if you or your child gets lice. Let others know.

“Making other people aware that your child does have lice, especially if they have been around each other, just so they know to start looking to make sure their kid doesn’t contract it.”

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